Best Quinceañera Limo Rental Service in Bloomington, MN.
One of the most memorable moments in a Latina’s life is her Quinceañera. The word literally translates to ‘a girl who is 15 years old’. That is exactly what the celebration is, a way of celebrating a girl’s 15th birthday. Commonly, in the US, it’s a girl’s 16th birthday that gets all the special attention, much in that same tone, however, a bit more lavish is where a Quinceañera fits in.
Keeping Traditions
The tradition is celebrated throughout the world; all the Latin countries, across South America and Europe and in the United States, including the Bloomington, MN. Area.
Latinos are the fastest growing population in Minnesota. Since 1990 the Latino population has dramatically increased by over 500% according to the State of Minnesota.
Traditionally, the Quinceañera was treated as a rite of passage, a way for a female to transition from a girl to a young woman, similar to a Bat Mitzvah in the Jewish tradition or a Confirmation in the Catholic religion. In recent times, the Quinceañera has evolved into being the first important event in a girl’s life, being outshined only by a future wedding.
Celebrations normally begin at church with the ‘Misa de Accion de Gracias’ which translates to ‘thanksgiving mass’. A long gown is worn in a color of the girl’s choosing and she carries a bouquet to match. After the church mass, the guests are welcomed to a reception hall where the Quinceañera party will take place. In rural regions, the party usually takes place outside where tables, chairs, or maybe even tents, are setup to accommodate the guests. And, we must not forget the Bloomington mariachi band, that is one thing that goes hand-in-hand along with the limo Quinceañera celebration.
Decorations and balloons with the same color as the girl’s dress are a must. Flowers are not to be missed as well. Most of the party consists of dancing and having dinner, however, there are several traditions that can be a part of the celebration. Most of these traditions are similar and dependent upon the country where the Quinceañera is taking place.
Fourteen male and fourteen female attendants of the party do a dance with the girl to represent the fourteen years of her life that have passed.
The girl receives a porcelain doll from her grandparents to represent the last doll that she will own. In some places, the birthday girl gives a doll to a younger sister to show that she is no longer a child.
The girl takes her flat shoes and replaces them with high-heels to prove that she is becoming a young woman and then, traditionally, the birthday girl dances the first dance with her father.
It is believed that this tradition originated thousands of years ago in Aztec and Mayan times. Much later it was influenced by Christian practices and today’s version of Quinceañera was created.
Considering how old these customs are and they idea that they are largely influenced by cultures that don’t exist anymore, it is very important to keep practicing these traditions and transfer them to the next generations. That being said, let there be no mistake in the event planning process.
Today’s Quinceañera is a spectacular event with parents spending, literally, as much as they can. Limousines, extravagant dresses, diamond studded tiaras, decorations, cakes and gifts.
At Bloomington Limo Service, we have the experience and expertise to ensure your daughter’s transportation needs will be as memorable as the celebration itself. Call us or fill out the form on our website to get the celebration started!